verse of the day

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Web Site Watch- Dinosaurs and Man Co-existed Together

Looking around on the net I found another website that really caught my attention. It deals with evidence that dinosaurs and man co-existed. This website doesn't only give you text but it also gives you the pictures of art that proves that dinosaurs were not a new concept at the discovery of some old bones(as would be believed by some). This website shows photos and gives the time frame on which it was made and where it was found.
Here are a few of the photos.

Now here is the thing. If dinosaurs were extinct before we ever arrived then how could these Peruvians have drawn such detailed pictures on these pieces of art. Notice the one with the triceratops and the MAN ON TOP OF IT! Yeah that is sort of a big deal. Evolutionist will have you believe that the dinosaur was unknown to man before the 1800's. This says otherwise.
Visit Dinosaur Art From Ancient Tombs In Peru to read more about these pieces of truthful art. They have many more great subjects to read on their homepage


Spanish Inquisitor said...

Before you get too worked up about this stuff, take a look here:

If you want, do a Google search on dinosaurs and humans. You'll find that all of the sites are mostly Bible related.

Next, use your brain, and come to your own conclusion.

If you still want to believe that dinosaurs and humans co-existed, I have two words for you:

Wishful Thinking

Travis Foulks said...

Wishful Thinking
Likewise for the evolution theory. The fact that Christian sites are displaying the evidence doesn't change the fact that they exist. They are on displays in museums. The facts are there they just some exposure.
Worked up.. nah. I have heard of it before. It is nice to have places to go that validate truth though.

DaVinci said...

This post only demonstrates the need for education. The folks who are defending this sort of nonsense are grasping at straws to try and resurrect a dead god and his dead religion by attempting to show proofs that dinosaurs and man lived together, when there is a preponderance of evidence to the contrary.
It’s never too late to go back to the basics and try to have an open mind with regard to the natural sciences. There is no conspiracy to fool you into believing that the universe is 13.5 billion years old as you suppose there is. Men do not spend years in universities learning complex science just to trick you into believing lies designed to deny God. It has nothing to do with God or religion, in fact that’s a completely different subject. I would suggest you read some Bart Ehrman if you want to know just how dubious Christianity is, and perhaps like me, you will put away the childish faith in magical deities and embrace reality.
I’m 49 years old, and I spent the first 35 years of my life trying to be a Christian. I could never be satisfied with the half baked explanations of religion and the bible, so instead of grasping at straws, I read some books by real scholars, and what I found was overwhelming evidence that the new testament was bad scholarship, outright forgeries, and myth invented and rearranged to fit the politics of the 1st and 2nd century.

Travis Foulks said...

This post only demonstrates the need for education.
I am not uneducated.
The folks who are defending this sort of nonsense are grasping at straws to try and resurrect a dead god and his dead religion by attempting to show proofs that dinosaurs and man lived together, when there is a preponderance of evidence to the contrary.
God is not dead
Show me the evidence that they did not and by evidence tell me how why you say they don't believe they coexisted. I don't want another web link to people trying to disprove that facts exist that prove evolution to be wrong. I need some one who has done these test and methods that can prove that the tools they use and their theories could have happened.
It’s never too late to go back to the basics and try to have an open mind with regard to the natural sciences
Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I am closed minded. Whereas you spend time reaching ways to disprove God I spend my time trying to follow Him and grow in faith. That means I will looks at what internet scientist have to say. Then compare it to what others say.Closed minded I am not. I actually didn't believe in God at one time. Didn't add up in too many places.
I read some books by real scholars, and what I found was overwhelming evidence that the new testament was bad scholarship, outright forgeries, and myth invented and rearranged to fit the politics of the 1st and 2nd century
Real scholars being those who are hip to the theory of evolution? Perhaps they are bad scholars due to the fact that they were not scholars. The most educated was Luke who was a doctor of sorts. The others where fishermen, tax collectors, and various blue collar people. Forgeries? You will have to explain that one. Who forged what? What would be their motives?
The Bible would have to be able to suit the 1st and 2nd centuries seeing how that is when the New Testament was written. However that doesn't mean the message with in is outdated. It is just applied to to a different time.
There is no conspiracy to fool you into believing that the universe is 13.5 billion years old as you suppose there is. Men do not spend years in universities learning complex science just to trick you into believing lies designed to deny God.
I don't think they do. I do believe that they discredit things they shouldn't and not those they should. To many methods used by scientist are not stable nor accurate. I hate that they waste so much of their lives in school learning "false facts"(that is what I call evolution and many other inaccrurate tools and the wrong conclusions they have do to them).

DaVinci said...

Blog Guy-
Evolution is not in the business of proving or disproving religious claims, but religion is in the business of disproving evolution. If you attempt to deny this, there is no point in continuing this conversation. Science is in the business of dealing with reality, testable reality not supernatural claims.
It is not I that must prove to you that the theory of evolution is truth; it is you who must convince me that it is false. The theory of evolution is not true or false by what I have to say about it, likewise finding a human foot print next to a dinosaur footprint or paintings on a clay pot is not disproving anything at all. It is proof of hasty generalization on the part of the theists who loudly proclaim that this bit of bad evidence disproves an entire theory, hogwash.
Jumping to conclusions about some art work is mighty weak. A better hypothesis would be that ancient Peruvians also found dinosaur bones and extrapolated what they might have looked like, much like we have done. It’s art man!
Your hesitation to read any web links, (which is a contradiction of this entire post which is a web link), or read any books that I might point to, makes me suspicious of your intentions. You posted on “Web Site Watch- Dinosaurs and Man Co-existed Together with the weak assumption that if Peruvians made this art work, then they surely must have lived with dinosaurs. So I hardly think it is up to me to support evolution, rather it is for you to convince me that the Peruvians artwork which depicts dinosaurs and man together somehow refutes evolution. I’m sure that the Peruvians, as well as many other ancient cultures, depicted plenty of fanciful artworks, like we do today. How does this prove anything at all?
You seem to be saying that anyone who refutes your belief system has to do so because of their belief that evolution is true, however just because you judge that way doesn’t mean that scientist and those lay persons like myself who are in the process of education do that at all. It might be that we who support evolution do so because we have taken the years to read what these noted scientist have to say and have found it full of good reasoning and devoid of logical fallacies, which tends to make it fact, while all you have done is take pictures of some clay pots, and read mythological books.
“The Bible would have to be able to suit the 1st and 2nd centuries seeing how that is when the New Testament was written. However that doesn't mean the message with in is outdated. It is just applied to a different time.” Again, please read what has been written by those who have taken the trouble to study such matters, people who have learned the languages of the times, and study the Ebonites Marcionites, Gnostics, and proto orthodox early Christians before you use anything in the New Testament as fact. I think you will see just how dubious that document is.
When I said – “There is no conspiracy to fool you into believing that the universe is 13.5 billion years old as you suppose there is. Men do not spend years in universities learning complex science just to trick you into believing lies designed to deny God”
You said -
“I don't think they do. I do believe that they discredit things they shouldn't and not those they should. To many methods used by scientist are not stable nor accurate. I hate that they waste so much of their lives in school learning "false facts"(that is what I call evolution and many other [inaccurate] tools and the wrong conclusions they have do to them).”
I would say after reading this, that the burden of proof is squarely on you to explain what things have been discredited and what false things have been credited. What unstable methods do scientists use and why or how? How do you know what “false facts” they use and how do you determine they are false?
Also, you should make your blog accessible so we can carry on a discussion there.
