verse of the day

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What God Wants.

This is a question that people have cried out in their darkest hour, and asked in their most confused moments. Some people even ask themselves this question when they are wanting to serve Him but don't know where to serve. I cannot tell them the answer to that but I can tell you and them how much He wants.
God does not settle for the 50% relationship. Nor will he settle for the 75, 85, or 95% percent. Make mistake that He will not settle for 99.999999 percent. It is 100% all the way. Nothing else will do. This means your prayer life is healthy (the Bible says to pray everyday without stopping), it means obey commandments. When you fail to obey you try again and again until you are free from the sins that bind you up. It means to tell other about God every chance you get. 100% means to make your life Holy.
Allowing God to take control of your life is the first step toward everything in your walk with God. Once you commit you give your all to living for God. Everyday in everyway you have to live for Him. Eat, breathe, talk, walk, sleep. Hide psalms and hymns in your heart so that you will not forget God. Never give up. Why? Because 99.99999 percent means you have been disobedient. Fall but rise up and over come.


Spanish Inquisitor said...

It seems to me, BG, that if you need to invent a fictional entity to give you reason to give 100% in your life, then you are living the life of a puppet. You are not your own man. You are living a life that somebody else wants you to live.

Me. I give 100% because I think it's the best way to live my life. I make that choice, not some unfeeling, unreachable, non-communicative sky daddy.

Travis Foulks said...

I don't invent God. No on does. I give 100% because nothing else in this world is more important than God.
I live a life that God wants me to live. Their is a big difference. The life this world wants me to live is of money, sex, and selfish things. I am glad and very thankful that God has given me much more to live for then the "successful" things of this world!

Spanish Inquisitor said...

"I don't invent God."

Yes you do. You just don't realize it, nor will you admit it, because your belief in god is too strong.

You weren't born believing in god. That didn't come until you received instruction in your church, from your parents, teachers, etc. You had to create the construct of god in your mind, before you could beleive in him. So you created him.

Travis Foulks said...

Well let me ask you this? What do you give your 100%? Your job? Science? Your family? Yourself?
You view the choice to give my life ( or any life) to God has been bondage. I have freedom from all the things I don't want in my life. Drugs, violence, stealing, foul language, hate, questions, failure, racism, lies, death. All of those things were the restriants that held me back. I am free through God. It is my honor to give my 100% to Him.
Then you my friend must be the inventor of evolution. You were told about, read a few books, did alittle google search from time to time and you invented evolution.
Now we know that is not right. We know that the belief of evolution has been around since before 2000 B.C.. So you couldn't possible have invented it. Same thing. The I only difference is that I have a God who is real and living where has you have a heathern belief made pretty by bones found as far as 1 mile apart from eachother, a couple of age dating tools that prove to be wrong on occassion, and some theories made over the last few hundred years.
I think you are dead wrong to say I invented God just as I would be ro say you are one who thought up evolution.
Look over any text errors. Im using my iPhone to post today. Thanks for visiting again Spanish.

Anonymous said...

i agree with blog guy on this one. i don't live to give 100 percent to my Creator because of me...I do it because of Him. He is God(in my opinion) and i will live for the One that gives me my next breath. I believe as Paul teaches in Romans 1(of couse this may be crap to spanish inquisitor) that we all know there is a God. We all know that. Deep inside we desire to give praise to whatever created us...some don't believe it is God and i salute you because it takes alot of faith to believe that we evolved over time....but i dont buy it.
i guarentee that most athiests/evolutionists know as much, if not more about the Christian faith than i do. good for you. but facts arent going to save you. you spend your time trying to disprove God. you spend your time learning about God only so you can try to dispprove Him("try" is the key word). I dont even feel a need to disprove you. I would be wasting my breath. You know everything about God except the relationship part of Him and you choose not to believe any of it. I dont need to waste my life dispproving something when i already know the one absolute truth. if you know that evolution or whatever is TRUTH...awesome. live for it. atleast you will be able to say that you lived for something. I have no doubt that God exists and He created the world and everything in one could ever talk me out of it. maybe people that are trying to dispprove Christianity are just dying to know more about it because they know it is truth. ehhh. you can decide.

""I don't invent God."

Yes you do. You just don't realize it, nor will you admit it, because your belief in god is too strong.

You weren't born believing in god. That didn't come until you received instruction in your church, from your parents, teachers, etc. You had to create the construct of god in your mind, before you could beleive in him. So you created him."

I would love for you to go to Sudan or India or various other places around the world and tell someone suffering and dying for Christs name exactly what you stated above. people don't die for something that is a lie or a hoax.

"Me. I give 100% because I think it's the best way to live my life. I make that choice, not some unfeeling, unreachable, non-communicative sky daddy."

my reaction to this statement is laughter. I dont know any Christian that would tell you that God made me decide to follow Him and live for Him...I know that I made that descision. also, im not sure who the "God" is that you are talking about that is apparently an "unfeeling, unreachable, non-communicative sky daddy." My God is completely reachable, feeling, and communitive. you cant argue with me on that. thats from my own experience...therefore, you cant argue. and "daddy?" ehh. "Father?" yes. God is referred to as Father because He is an example of a true Father. and true Fathers deserve respect.

thanks for reading. you can take every single one of these words and twist it however you want, but it wont change anything. :] have a good day.

